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Manifest Merger Failed Apps Targeting Android 12

Hello Everyone ! Hope you are doing well .Recently Google Play Store accepting new apps only with target SDK API level 31 . As per Google Policy :

"New apps must target Android 12 (API level 31) or higher; except for Wear OS apps, which must target Android 11 (API level 30) or higher.

Starting in November 2022, app updates must target API level 31 or above and adjust for behavioral changes in Android 12; except for Wear OS apps, which must target API level 30 or higher."

Now come to the challenging part when you try to upgrade your current API level to 31 you may face some issues like "Manifest Merger failed apps targeting Android 12".

Now come to the solution part :

Google recently introduce a new tag for every activity you created on your AndroidManifest.xml file which is "android:exported"

what is android:exported ?

In simple words android:exported is nothing but a tag introduce for security purpose in Android 12 and latest have to pass its value to true or false as per your choice or requirements.

if you set its value to true it means other application can call your activity from their app's intent and if you set it to false then other app's intent call can not call your activity and they get an error like NoActivityFound or som other exceptions.Lets talk about its specific defination:

This element sets whether the activity can be launched by components of other applications:

If "true", the activity is accessible to any app, and is launchable by its exact class name.

If "false", the activity can be launched only by components of the same application, applications with the same user ID, or privileged system components. This is the default value when there are no intent filters.

If an activity in your app includes intent filters, set this element to "true" to allow other apps to start it. For example, if the activity is the main activity of the app and includes the category "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER".

If this element is set to "false" and an app tries to start the activity, the system throws an ActivityNotFoundException.

Now you understand about exported features this is the task we have to perform to make our app API 31 compatible.

How to do that ?

Simply add the android:exported="true|false" in  your activity tag under AndroidManifest.xml file.

Q: Is it necessary to add this tag at every activity?

A: It is good for your app security and the latest version of android studio automatically add this line to your newly created activity. So it is good habit to add this line but if you leave this line in some activity which don't have intent-filter tag than its ok .

You must have to add "android:exported" in every activity which have intent-filter tag on it like your splash activity or some other Activity , you can set its value as per your need.

Note: Every Firebase Service ,Activity ,Broadcast Receiver ,Service and other components which uses phones external services required that tag .So you have to apply same.

Now come to most asked question.

Q: I apply this tag in every Activity ,Broadcast Receiver and Service which required but still getting Manifest Merger Failed error ,what should I do?



Step 1:

 Its because some other third party library generating this error ,all you have to do is set your API level to previous one like 30 and target SDK also 30 and than build gradle file again.In most cases it is because of payment gateway like Razorpay and some other.

Ste 2:

Now come to AndroidManifest.xml file and in bottom click on MergedManifest and file those activity,Service,Broadcast Receiver,Firebase Service which don't have android:exorted tag and have intent-filter tag .

Step 3:

Right click on that particular and click on Go To Declaration and copy that activity and paste in your Apps AndroidManifest.xml file.  

Step 4:

Now go to build.gradle file and and change your API level to 31 and build the gradle again. Now go to MergedManifest you will find everything working .

You  have all done .Thank you for your time and if you like and learn something then share it with your friends. 



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